Volunteers -Backbone of NSB Little Theatre

~ VolunteersThe Backbone of NSB Little Theatre ~

The Little Theatre of New Smyrna Beach is completely run by dedicated volunteers. This means every role, from the actors gracing the stage to the ushers greeting you at the door, is filled by passionate community members.

Wide Variety of Roles: Volunteers don’t just act! They contribute in many ways:

Behind the Scenes: Set design, painting, costumes, lighting, sound, props, stage management, directing.

Front of House: Ushering, box office, publicity.

Leadership: Serving on the Board of Directors or chairing committees

Why People Volunteer:

Love of Theatre: Many volunteers have a deep passion for the performing arts.

Learning New Skills: Volunteering is a great way to gain experience in technical areas like set building, lighting, or even project management.

Community Connection: It’s a fantastic way to meet like-minded people and build friendships.

Giving Back: Helping provide quality entertainment to the community is truly rewarding.

How to Get Involved

Website: The Little Theatre of New Smyrna Beach website has a dedicated volunteer section (https://www.nsbplayers.org/get-involved/index).

Volunteer Form: They have an online form to express interest and areas where you might like to help: https://www.nsbplayers.org/volunteers/

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